Louisville Geek, LLC. is a privately-owned Information Technology company based out of Louisville, KY. Founded in 2004, we provide comprehensive managed IT services and solutions for a diverse range of businesses and non-profit organizations throughout the country.

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What is Ryuk Ransomware?

The Ryuk ransomware, operated by the TrickBot gang, was first spotted in August of 2018, but gained notoriety in 2019 once they began demanding multi-million-dollar ransoms from hospitals, local governments, and privately owned companies.

Microsoft Announces Designer in Word 

Designer in Word for the web helps you make your document look and feel consistent by understanding different document constructs and intents. In addition, by providing a variety of document styles you can quickly change the look and feel of your document.

Using Yammer and Stream for Employee Engagement

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force millions of employees to work remotely, collaboration across teams and departments can become challenging. If you’re an active Microsoft 365 subscriber, there are two built-in Microsoft 365 applications that can help any business overcome these challenges.