How and Why You Should Upgrade Your WordPress Site to PHP 8.3

PHP is one of the most popular scripting languages available on the web today. In fact, according to W3Techs, PHP is used by over 78% of all websites on the internet. Even though PHP 8 was officially released in November 2020, many WordPress sites are still running on outdated versions, including PHP 7.4.

The latest stable release, PHP 8.3, came out in November 2023, offering enhanced performance, security, and additional features over previous versions. If you’re still on PHP 7.4, it’s time to upgrade to PHP 8.3 to ensure your site remains secure and optimized.

PHP 8 Update

What is PHP?

PHP is a popular programming language used to build dynamic or static websites. These are webpages whose content either stays the same for every viewer or changes based on factors like the viewer’s location, time of day, or language preferences. PHP runs scripts on your website (like WordPress) and interprets these scripts to produce the content we see.

What is the PHP 8.3 Update for?

PHP 8.3, like any other software update, fixes bugs, improves performance, and adds new features. It is a more advanced version than PHP 7.4, offering several improvements such as better error handling, optimization of runtime performance, and enhanced security measures.

Why do I need to update PHP?

Think of PHP as the operating system of your website—just like Windows or macOS on your computer. When the applications (like WordPress) or plugins on your website are updated, they are designed to run on the latest version of PHP, ensuring better performance, security, and compatibility. Running outdated PHP versions, like PHP 7.4, can leave your site vulnerable to security risks, as older versions no longer receive updates.

Upgrading to PHP 8.3 will ensure that your website:

  • Performs better: PHP 8.3 brings improvements in speed and efficiency, which directly benefits your site’s performance and load times.
  • Enhances security: Older versions of PHP are more susceptible to vulnerabilities. Upgrading to PHP 8.3 will protect your site against potential security risks.
  • Improves compatibility: PHP 8.3 is designed to be compatible with the latest versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes, ensuring smooth integration and fewer issues.

What Should You Do Next?

To upgrade to PHP 8.3, reach out to your web hosting provider and check which version of PHP your site is currently running. Your hosting provider is typically responsible for managing your server’s PHP version. Before upgrading, it’s important to ensure that your WordPress software, themes, and plugins are all compatible with PHP 8.3.

Make sure your provider backs up your website files and database before proceeding with the update. This will prevent any data loss or issues during the upgrade process. Once everything is backed up, you can safely update to PHP 8.3.

Get Help from Louisville Geek

If you’re unsure which version of PHP your website is running or need help with the upgrade process, contact Louisville Geek for a free consultation. We offer website hosting services on PHP 8.3, ensuring your website is always running on the latest, most secure version. Our web and software development team will help ensure your website is optimized for performance, security, and compatibility with the latest updates. Let us assist you in upgrading to PHP 8.3 and boost both your site’s security and performance.