Louisville Geek, LLC. is a privately-owned Information Technology company based out of Louisville, KY. Founded in 2004, we provide comprehensive managed IT services and solutions for a diverse range of businesses and non-profit organizations throughout the country.
Working Remotely: Current Trends and Employee Profile
/in Geek NewsThe idea of working from home, at least some days, is appealing to almost everyone. Waking up and getting paid while being in our own space can be both relaxing and productive. The days of needing to be in an office environment are over, and more and more employers are starting to offer the option to work from home.
Layered Digital Security For Businesses
/in CybersecurityThe most effective method, and the method we utilize for small businesses, is the Layered Security Approach to cyber-security. It is a proven method for preventing cyber-attacks, and a system that will protect your business in the long-term if used correctly.
Website Maintenance and Why It’s Important
/in Tech Tips, Web DevelopmentWebsites are living in an ever-changing framework and have to routinely be adjusted to thrive and stay secure. There are many reasons to stay on top of website maintenance but here are some of the most important.
Cyber Security For Small Business: Expert Interview
/in CybersecurityWe sat down with Josh Parker, our Senior Security Analyst, to learn more about the cyber threats facing small businesses and what they can do to prevent a breach.
Migrate from G-Suite to Office 365 with Ease
/in Microsoft, Tech TipsAt Louisville Geek, we use Office 365 on a daily basis in almost every aspect of what we do. Now that Microsoft is implementing this migration experience, we are excited to put it to use as we help our clients make the switch if they so choose.
5 Technology Mistakes Small Businesses Make and How You Can Avoid Them
/in CybersecurityHere are the top 5 technology mistakes we see being made by small businesses and our advice on how to avoid them
Does Outlook Continuously Prompt for Credentials When You Try to Connect to Office 365?
/in Geek News, Microsoft, Tech Tips